Olga Paris-romaskevich

Séminaire de la détente mathématique

I am a mathematician at CNRS. I work in the Mathematics Institute in Marseille, my area of interest is dynamical systems with motivations from physics. My current work concerns the dynamics of tiling billiards and the Novikov's conjecture about plane sections of triply periodic surfaces, inspired by physics of conductivity. My work is partially supported by the ANR (wonderful) GALS (ANR-23-CE40-0001). Starting 1st October 2024, I will work in Institut Camille Jordan in Lyon.I am a storyteller. I have some experience in filmmaking such as editing, script writing and directing (both theater and cinema). I am the author of a blog about ten Russian female mathematicians МАТЕМАТИКА.I like spending time with people creating together. With the association Vagabond Mathematics, co-founded in 2020 with Marie Lhuissier, we draw the chalk art with us in the streets of Lyon.I believe in building utopias by collective action. I am part of SNCS (National syndicate of researchers), SMF (Société Mathématique de France) and femmes et mathématiques. I am a member of European Mathematical Society Outreach and Engagement Committee. I am very proud to be a member of scientific council of IMéRA. I am an elected member of the scientific council of the mathematics institute of CNRS, CSI de l'INSMI.

If you are interested in some of my endeavours (research, outreach and art), subscribe to my newsletter! (which is mostly in French and sporadically in English).

My newsletter around math and art

News on research, mediation of mathematics and art projects, all of it mostly in France but who knows! The letter is sent each other month.
Your mail address is only used to send you the newsletter. You can at every moment unsubscribe by clicking on the link in any of the newsletters you will receive.


Aix-Marseille Université
Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M) – UMR 7373
Site de Saint Charles
3 place Victor Hugo
Case 19
13331 Marseille cédex 3

The picture on the screen is made from a hill on Olkhon island, also called the heart of the lake Baikal. The picture of myself is a picture of a (Polaroid) picture made at Math and Art conference that I organized in CIRM in December 2023. I am playing with a top made by Ulysse Lacoste in a t-shirt Свободу всем! (Liberty to all, in Russian) demanding the liberty for political prisoners.Both are taken by Bertrand Paris-Romaskevich CC BY-SA.

Here are the initiatives that I am proud to have been a part of.

Recreational mathematics seminar in LYON (OR la détente)

Séminaire de la détente mathématique

Recreational mathematics seminar (known as Séminaire de la détente) started as a weekly seminar in the House of Mathematics and Informatics in Lyon MMI. I have created it in 2014 and co-organized this seminar with M. Lhuissier, V. Borelli, V. Seigneur, A. Rivera, L. Mathis and B. Sevennec. My dream was to create the space of exchange between people interested in math in Lyon -- students and professors discussing math together. And it worked quite well! The seminar is still ongoing (it has 10 years!), check out their Facebook page.

May 12: Celebrating Women in Mathematics

May 12 is an international day of Celebration of Women in Mathematics that regroups initiatives all over the world. The tradition has been launched by our international collective in 2019. Check out the site, and participate every year, with an event in your laboratory! Here the article presenting the adventure of May12.

N. Agarwal, C. Araujo, P. Bonfert-Taylor, M. Mahmoudi, M. F. Ouedraogo, O. Paris- Romaskevich, M.-F. Roy, E. Strickland, A. V. Gajardo May 12: Celebrating Women in Mathematics, From One Idea to One Hundred Events, Notices of AMS, journal version (2019)

Journée parité no. 6 and no.7

I was a main organizer of the "Journée parité" of mathematical community in 2023, organized in ENS de Lyon. For more details on the meeting, see its webpage. The illustrations in live-sketching form were done by wonderful Lison Bernet all along the day. The next meeting will be organized in the Summer 2024, in Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille by Anne Pichon, Magalie Ochs, Peter Haïssinsky and myself. Here are some materials from these meetings :

Here is a list of my preprints and publications, with when possible links to videos of talks and slides. All my math articles and preprints are on arxiv.


[A] O. Paris-Romaskevich Trees and flowers on a billiard table, rewrite in progress (2019, 2024+)

[B] I. Dynnikov, P. Hubert, P. Mercat, O. Paris-Romaskevich, A. Skripchenko Novikov gasket has zero Lebesgue measure, work in progress (2024+)

[C] P. Hubert, P. Mercat, O. Paris-Romaskevich Almost all minimal 4-reflections are not weakly mixing, work in progress (2024+)

Published math

[10] S.Cantat, O. Paris-Romaskevich , J. Xie Free actions of large groups on complex threefolds, Bulletin of London Mathematical Society (2022), journal

[9] O. Paris-Romaskevich Tiling billiards and Dynnikov's helicoid, arxiv: 2102.10201, Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society, 82:1, 157-174 (2021)

[8] S.Cantat, O. Paris-Romaskevich Automorhisms of compact Kähler manifolds with slow dynamics, Transactions of American Mathematical society, journal (2020) | arxiv:2002.03615, hal-03089240

  • slides for Dynamics on your screen conference (August 2020)

[7] P. Hubert, O. Paris-Romaskevich Triangle tiling billiards and the exceptional family of their escaping trajectories: circumcenters and Rauzy gasket, Experimental Mathematics published online (2019) | arxiv:1804.00181

[6] O. Paris-Romaskevich Epicycles in the hyperbolic sky, Arnold Math J. 4(3), pp. 251-277, (2019) | arxiv: 1704.01339 | journal version | free journal version, no download

[5] Yu. Ilyashenko, O. Romaskevich Sternberg linearization theorem for skew products, Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, Volume 22, Issue 3, pp. 595-614 (2016) | arxiv: 1505.05776 | journal version

[4] L.Bowen, A.Bufetov, O. Romaskevich, Mean convergence of Markovian spherical averages for measure-preserving actions of the free group, Geometriae Dedicata, 181 (1), 293-306, (2015) | arxiv: 1502.01797 | journal version

[3] O. Romaskevich, On the incenters of triangular orbits on elliptic billiards, L’Enseignement Mathématique (2) 60 (2014), 247–255 | arxiv: 1304.7588 | journal version

[2] A. Klimenko, O. Romaskevich , Asymptotic properties of Arnold tongues and Josephson effect, Moscow Mathematical Journal, volume 14, issue 2, pp. 367-384, (2014) | arxiv: 1305.6746 | journal version

[1] V. Kleptsyn, I. Schurov, O. Romaskevich Josephson effect and slow-fast systems (in Russian), Nanostructures. Mathematical physics and modelling, 8:1, pp. 31–46, (2013) | arxiv: 1305.6755 | journal version


Dynamics of physical systems, normal forms and Markov chains

I had a chance to work on my PhD under supervision of Étienne Ghys and Yulij Ilyashenko, between Russia and France. I have defended my thesis twice (certainly, in order to understand it better) in 2016, in Moscow and in Lyon in order to become кандидат наук and docteur en mathématiques.

Co-authors (in chronological order of collaboration)

Curriculum Vitae, short story

Séminaire de la détente mathématique


Moscow, 6th July 1990


2020 - now research scientist at CNRS and Marseille Mathematics Institute
2017 - 2019 post-doc at IRMAR at University of Rennes I
2016-2017 teaching and research assistant at UMPA at ENS de Lyon


2007-2012 mathematics and mechanics faculty of Moscow State University
2012-2016 graduate student at National Research University Higher School of Economic in Moscow and École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (working with Étienne Ghys and Yulij Ilyashenko)


2016 L'Oréal-UNESCO prize for Women in Science
2023 Prix spécial d'engagement Irène Joliot-Curie


I speak and think in English, French and Russian.

Academic CV : last update : Sept 2023, CV in FrenchArtistic and translator CV : last update : Sept 2023, CV in FrenchSee also my LinkedIn account.

Science and cinema club in Lyon -- Bobines de sciences

I organise a cinema-club CinéMaths (2018-23) and now Bobines de Sciences (2023+) as a collaboration with a House of Math and Informatics (MMI) and a cinema Comœdia. For me this ciné-club is an occasion to make a science a tool for democratic debate, and to watch good movies together. To come to Bobines de Sciences, please make a reservation (a couple of weeks before the date of the event) on the site of the cinema. You can also follow the program on the page of MMI.

Séminaire de la détente mathématique

Programmation Bobines de Sciences 2024/2025 : à venir !
Tous les RDVs ont lieu samedis matin, à 11h, au cinéma Comoedia.

My cinema work

I will be happy to be involved in the creative process of movie making (from scientific counsil to script writing to directing/co-directing, I have experience with all of this and love doing it).

Séminaire de la détente mathématique

I also work on cinema projects not related to math and science!

Here are some of my personal filmic experiences : Ten trees, Une grue et une abeille and Poissons du Rhône. I also did several trailers for friendly theater companies in collaboration with Bertrand Paris-Romaskevich.At the moment, I am working as a translator on the project Knam - un théaêtre en Exil of Lionel Retornaz, telling a story of a theater that existed almost for 40 years at Komsomolsk-na-Amure and closed when Russian government started a full-scale war against Ukraine. All the actors left, and now live and work in Lyon.

Upcoming events

Here are the research conferences we can meet each other, outreach activities in which I participate, as well as some artistic projects and events. Join me at Bobines de Sciences!


  • 1-2 July : Journée Parité no.7 de la communauté mathématique, Marseille, organiser

  • 31 August - 4 September : Matrix Imagniary conference, Diablerets, Switzerland, participant, workshop leader

  • 14 September : Nancy, Causerie scientifique around "Matheuses" for book festival Livre sur Place, speaker

  • 24 September : CSI INSMI, Paris

  • 10-12 October : Festival Maths en ville, Paris

  • 17 October : Filles, maths et informatique, une équation lumineuse, speaker

  • 18 October : Talk at geometry seminar, ICJ

  • 15 November : Talk at Toulouse seminar


colorful memories

the book is out in the wild!

Vous pouvez commander le livre en toute librairie de France : en stock dans plus de 130 librairies.For other countries, speak with your librarian before passing by the platforms like Amazon but the book is available there as well.

Séminaire de la détente mathématique

Matheuses is a book (in French) about girls in mathematics, written in collaboration with a sociologist Clémence Perronnet and a science mediator Claire Marc. This project is born from the encounter between sociology and mathematics. From 2020 to 2023, I have been one of the organizers of a school for girls in mathematics called Cicadas in CIRM, Marseille. Clémence Perronnet, sociologist and specialist of social and gender inequality with respect to scientific culture, with her collaborator Alice Pavie, PhD student in sociology at the time, conducted a 2-week sociological observation study at our math school.

Presentation of the book.At 17 years old, 1 of 2 French school girls doesn't study math anymore (contrary to 1 of 4 boys).
Many questions arise from teachers, families, science professionals and adolescents.
What can one do so that there are more girls in math? How to lead a class to support them? How to encourage your daughter to do math if you abandoned yourself How to change math practice so that it excludes less? Finally, how to feel less alone if one is a girl loving math?Our book is a book on math and a book of math, and it brings the largest possible answers to these questions, presenting a sociological study with voices of 45 adolescent girls about math, as well as proposes original math problems to discover at your pace.A book of research inviting to a research practice !


  • 10 October 2022 An article describing the school Cigales is published in in the mathematical gazette (a journal of French Mathematical Society), and re-published on Images des Mathématiques, O. Paris-Romaskevich Vers une médiation en phase avec la société : réflexion autour des Cigales (2022)

  • 15 November 2022 Our project received a support prize Défi diffusion of INSMI at Assises des Mathématiques ! We will be able to pay Claire Marc for her mediation and graphics work, as well as organize two weeks of collaboration on the project.

  • December 2022 The video of the prize reception is online! You can see our (very nice :)) almost improvized speach at 2:34:30.

  • February 2023 We had a one week residence in CIRM to work on the book.

  • 5-10 June 2023 residence in Station Biologique de Roscoff to work on the book !

  • November 2023 You can already pre-order the book in some of French shops (Fnac for example)

  • December 2023 Institute of Mathematics of CNRS has launched Matheuses web-page in French

  • 25th January 2024 Book came out in the libraries in France!

  • April 2024 First edition sold out, second edition is out!

Séminaire de la détente mathématique

Picture made by Lison Bernet for the "Journée Parité in 2023 in ENS de Lyon.

I limit my plane travel as much as I can. I am a member of No fly climate sci and I have signed a manifesto Limitation of plane in math laboratories : horizon 2030.In the last two years I flew 0 km for work .
The last time I flew a plane for work was 21st September 2021, it was a 3000 km flight from Moscow to Lyon, and also the last time to this date I was in Russia.
I am very happy to come to any conference/seminar you invite me to if I can reach you by train. I am happy to take time to come to you by train.

Phd students

Magali Jay (co-supervision with Pascal Hubert), since September 2021
Thesis : Tiling billiards dynamics, defense in July 2024

Master students

Iryna Fesenko (co-supervision with Pascal Hubert), M1, 2021

My relationship with outreach changed a lot in the recent years, especially after grasping the role mathematical education plays in creating social inequality in France (see for example, the thesis by Margot Déage Le baccalauréat par specialités, vecteur de nouvelles inégalités d'accès aux études scientifiques ?). This said, doing outreach activities has always brought me lots of joy and helped me to find meaning in my relationship with mathematics, it also opened many doors to me : from movie making to encounters with sociology.

Mathématiques vagabondes

On the 12th May 2020 we have created with my friend Marie Lhuissier, a group Mathématiques Vagabondes. Our goal is to make art and science work together, with a particular attention to mathematics. Our main project at the moment (since 2020) is Streetmath, drawing mathematics in the streets of Lyon!

Séminaire de la détente mathématique

Математика : portraits of 10 Russian female mathematicians

МАТЕМАТИКА was thought as a chorus of voices of ten women joining into one song of Russia and its mathematics. This project was dreamt as an impression of modern Russian mathematics in many of its different aspects. Initially the project was planned as an exhibition to be presented at the World Meeting for Women in Mathematics, satellite of ICM2022. The project has been frozen since 24 February 2022 (see the statement on our site). Although, the in-detail blog telling the story of a trip through Russia that we made to prepare the exhibition is there for you to read. I hope to come back to this project one day. This is a joint project with a photographer Bertrand Paris-Romaskevich.

Séminaire de la détente mathématique

Mathematics of the sky

With my PhD sister Marie Lhuissier and my PhD brother Valentin Seigneur, we have created a website to share mathematics around planetary motion. This site has received a coup de coeur of Prix D'Alembert jury in 2018. Three of us have also written the texts for Mathematical Calendar 2021, under direction of Ana Rechtman, in the spirit of the mathematics of the sky. At the moment, the site is under maintenance but we will recover it !


I have been thinking about acting and directing actors since 2016. It all started with improv theater, continued with clowning, and then with text theater.

Séminaire de la détente mathématique
  • Starting from the text of Moira Chas, we have created with Marie Lhuissier and Valentin Seigneur, a theater play Letters from the forth dimension, about a mathematician Alicia Boole, her work on regular polytopes of dimension 4, her relationship with her sister Lucy and life in Victorian England for a woman of her talent and ambition. Here is a link to the first public performance of the play, in la MMI.

  • Recently, I had an occasion to explore some clowning with mathematicians at Diablerets Outreach Conference (October 2022).

Conferences and performances

I like to explore different forms of mathematical storytelling, here are some eclectic projects I did, all of them somewhere on (one of the) borders between a math talk and a theater performance. I am open to opportunities that will challenge me to create new formats of mathematical storytelling.

(not too much lost in) Translation

I did translate into French a book without words... by Arseniy Akopyan. This book is called Figures sans paroles and is an ode to plane geometry. It is accessible at Amazon for now, and we are happy it exists in this way already. Although we hope to find an editing house in France to help us edit this book.